Anna Bartolo 2020 - Chester Arts Fair

Anna Bartolo 2020

Anna Bartolo 2020

Anna Bartolo is a Russian artist, based in Liverpool, United Kingdom. She moved to the U.K from Saint Petersburg in 2019. As a child, Anna always knew she was meant to be an artist. However, she did not pursue a career in the arts, and instead went into business. Fortunately, for Anna, she kept a passion for art, which led her to developing her skills.

Anna was shortlisted for the prestigious ART MUZA award in Russia in January 2018 and exhibited her pieces in an art gallery on Nevsky Prospeky, Saint Petersburg.

Anna transfer’s her passion, emotions and feelings into her paintings. She likes playing with textured strokes, nuances of colour and brightness. Anna uses all kind of tools like tissues, sponges, brushes, pallet knifes etc.




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September 24, 2020


Landscape, A - D, Contemporary, Animal

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